uman >> uman > uman .. @

uman .. @

Selects messages from Scilab mailing lists archives


uman topic! @
uman topic @
uman author>topic! @
uman author><Ndays @
uman author>topic<Ndays! @
uman "author > topic1 | topic2 < Ndays!" @
uman author1|author2>(topic1|topic2)&topic3&~(topic4|topic5)! @


author, autho*, author1|author2|..

Names (pseudonymes) of messages authors (case-insensitive).

"*" appended to a name will search for any author's name starting with the entry and having any trailing part.

topic, to*ic, topic1|topic2|,...

Case-insensitive words or text expressions that must be searched for.

"*" can be used inside any topic. It then matches any string, possibly empty. For instance "SI*P" will match "SIP", "SIVP", "soap", etc.

"?" will match a single character in the same way. For instance "S*P" will match "SIP", "SVP", "SoP", "s1p", etc.

"*" and "?" can't be used at the head of authors or topics.

Since they have special meanings, "& | ( ) ~ < >" characters are not (or badly) supported in topics.


Positive integer (entered as text): maximum age of messages to be selected, expressed in number of days up to now.

Internal operators
! Search only in subjects. When the search pattern ends with "!", the search is restricted to the subject of messages posted and archived on the mailing lists. Otherwise, both body and subject of messages are scanned.
> authors ">" topics separator. When no authors are specified, ">" is not required.
< topics "<" maximum messages age separator. When no messages max age is specified, "<" is not required.
(..) Grouping parentheses
| OR conjunction between topics or authors.
& AND conjunction between topics. Meaningless between authors, since each message has only one author.
~ "NOT" modifier to exclude some topics. Can't be used for authors.
"..." When there is at least one space in any part of the search pattern (authors, topics, messages age), the whole pattern must be specified between single or double quotes.


uman .. @ runs the web browser defined in your Scilab preferences and opens an URL that searches in the archives of official Scilab mailing lists homed at for messages fulfilling specifications given in terms of author(s), topic(s), and maximum messages age.

Hence, uman .. @ requires an active internet connexion.

uman .. @ is console-quiet.

None of possible search criteria is mandatory, but giving at least one of them is more efficient ;-). When several types of criteria are provided (author, topic, message age), only messages fulfilling all of them are selected.

uman .. @ does not take into account any other possible uman options. Noticeably, uman .. L## language option is ignored, in such a way that specific french-speaking lists are handled with other ones.

Whenever Scilab users specific communities would use an active non-english and non-french speaking mailing list with public archives, please get in touch with uman's author in order to possibly implement the L## language option within the @ one.



// Mailing lists: Search Scilab online archives: The "@" option
// ------------------------------------------------------------

uman aliasing @       // Search "aliasing" in any part of messages

uman aliasing! @      // Search "aliasing" only in Subjects

uman grand&setting @  // Messages with "grand" AND "setting" in any part

uman grand&~setting @ // Messages with "grand" AND WITHOUT "setting" in any part

uman "grand & ~setting" @       // idem. Use quotes when there are blanks.

uman cell|struct! @             // Subject with "cell" OR "struct"

uman "(cell|struct)&~matrix!" @ // Subject with "cell" OR "struct", AND NOT "matrix"
                                // Quotes are mandatory to protect the leading (

uman struct&~(array|scilab)! @  // Subject with "struct" AND NOT ("array" OR "scilab")

uman "(cell|struct)&~(function|array)!" @  // Subject with "cell" OR "struct",
                                        //   AND NOT "function" OR "array"

uman denizet>SEP|graphics! @  // Subject with ("SEP" OR "graphics") FROM Denizet

uman steer|couvert>SEP! @     // Subject with "SEP" FROM ("Steer" OR "Couvert")

uman elias>genlib<200! @      // Subject about "genlib" FROM "Elias" in last 200 days

uman david><200 @             // All messages FROM "David" in the last 200 days

// With wildcards "*" and "?" (rhe server may be buged on queries):
uman S*P! @         // OK
uman linspace! @    // OK: A list is returned
uman l*space! @     // KO: nothing returned, while the previous list is a minimal match!

See Also


3.0 2019-08-22 : 4 bugs fixed.
2.1 2016-10-30 : 1 bug fixed. Translation of this page in french.
2.0 2016-04-06 : @ option introduced.

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